
Bah! I just made the same gag, I better go delet it quick before anyone notices :P

I'm pretty sure they were just getting cash, it will have been some kind of three way

Nothing to see here...move along.

I thought you liked crappy overly expensive stuff here at Gizmodo?


There are so many diffrent devices availlable in Japan (and other parts of the East) that mostly seem to try to change the way asian people look to try to make them seem more western.

Has he actually distrobuted Sony's IP though? I was under the impression they were just in a huff because he found out the key they used to allow or disallow a software to run.

It's nonsense though isn't it? (You seem to no what's goign on, that's actually a question)

"Fuckin' judicial systems, how do they work?"

"circumventing copyright protection mechanism is illegal"

Yeah, odd trying to take the moral high ground when we all know they are a bunch of dishonest bastards.

I watched the video, went to his site and even downloaded the file.

They are getting away with being absolute dicks though. I don't own any of their products and certainly wont buy any in the future, they are obviously not to be trusted.

I have a book shelf held up by an xbox360 at each end.

They know that the vast majority of people will never hear about this and the vast majority who do wont give a sh*t.

No, theres no diffrence there.

So the file he distrobuted contained Sony code, rather than just code to manipulate it?

Either the judge is as thick as pig sh*t or he is corrupt, sadly I fear he isn't on the take.

How does everyone not know this already?

It's not you fault, this is supposed to be a tech blog not some childish ooh look at this funny picture I found site.