
You really should do this whole article again with a guy wearing tight pants as it makes little sense with a girl.

I could be wrong, but surely it isn't actually a reactor?

If you want to text during a movie...stay the f*ck at home and get a DVD.

It would be rather nice if it didn't have "Nixon" on it, for some reason it just makes it look like a cheap piece of cack.

Damn dirty job shy Dutch! Not taking American jobs, how dare they!!!

Well I can come up with "pointless" and "pathetic" but I'm not sure what the other two are.

I'm offended by pictures of the c*nt from the Westboro Baptist Church...

I assume he meant to type "out to the midwest".

Icky, they're not even the same sex!

Well, I for one am offended....To jail with you! :)

Really, what is Game of Thrones not better than?

It's most odd...

There is no evidence of that happening in the video due to the angle it was filmed at.

Pretty sure it's just because Jobs is a wackjob...

Haha :)

That's so not the right Steve.

There are already machines that can use other materials....chocolate for instance :)

I'm just worried it took me almost 4seconds to realise you weren't being serious. :P

I think we have to assume he just wasn't paying attention.

This is rather more like living in a building that has a door man watching everyone coming and going.