That’s why I don’t like her. Can’t lie.
That’s why I don’t like her. Can’t lie.
Can you provide names of trans individuals who are allegedly joining the military for gender assignment?
That’s what I got from her piece. That she was self depreciating herself. Almost like she was trying to self humor her lack of looks. Which is troubling in itself. Then she snow balled, turning it into victim blaming and fashion choices.
So this!!!❤
I feel that watching too much of Lost Girl, reading the Dresden Files, and playing D&D has influenced my choices.
I want that skull pillar in my basement!
Sorry, I lurk on here! So just saw this😊
“We respect you”
I haven’t bought Papa John’s since that temper tantrum.
Even with a psych degree, even with mental health being spoken more freely... I’m having a small cry moment. Fuck, I thought only MY brain did this.
Unfortunately not ALL dry shampoos are for cleaning... crazy I know, but I’ve accidentally bought a few brands that are more for styling. The styling ones don’t clean so much as much and add texture to your stands for back combing or light hold.
Unfortunately not ALL dry shampoos are for cleaning... crazy I know, but I’ve accidentally bought a few brands that…
But when Tori Amos covers songs, those songs become glorious.
This is waay more accurate, because there are some really disillusioned white women in Florida for Trump.
I lurve LORE!
You are only horrified because somewhere you have internalized that “maybe this woman had a late term abortion just because”. News flash: NO WOMAN WOULD EVER DO THIS.
See I think tornadoes are cray! At least in Florida we get at least a week notice for a hurricane. Mid west tornadoes seem like normal day then *BAM* shit gets real.
Thank you. There is a LOT of sane mother truckers here. I cried when I realized my local ballot was all republican. I think about moving and then look at the beach and say fuck it. Maybe living here gets me out of some next life crap! Think positive!
18 y/o at work. At an arcade, it seems just more gross looking back on it, a frigging arcade. A married co-worker and father continuously flirted with me and me just trying to basically say “thanks for saying I’m pretty, but I have a b/f” in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE ends with him following me into the prize cabinet, trap me…