
“You have a lot of people saying a lot of negative things about you, saying ‘you suck at your job’ and things like that, and they don’t understand how much work we really put in to go out there and try to perform your best,” he said. “You’re talking about somebody’s livelihood and things like that. How would you feel

There are those of us who intentionally didnt have children to escape exactly that knowledge. <insert galaxy brain gif here>

I mean.. it seems like we have enough.

I mean, to be fair, it is possible to both love your hometown, and hate a parent who happens to still live there. I love my hometown, I hate my father. If my hometown started to burn to the ground, I’d encourage all of my family and friends to donate money to the cause, while also paying no attention to my father and

Fuck Jordan Rodgers in half with a Scottish caber. Good for Aaron Rodgers for trying to raise money for the victims of a horrible catastrophe, and double-good for him for cutting toxic people out of his life. One has zero to do with the other.

Someone may have already mentioned it, but if not, anthropologists don’t study dinosaurs. Paleontologists work with extinct species and ecosystems, with paleoanthropologists specifically studying human evolution and origins. Anthropos - human.

Fun fact: Dinner and supper are two different things. Dinner is the largest meal of the day, whereas supper is the evening meal. For most of us, this is the same meal, but in ye olde agricultural days, dinner was the meal that you ate in the middle of the day so that you would have energy to finish your work, while

As a Blues fan who grew up in the 90s, I’ll always hate the Hawks but man if my soul didn’t burn with white-hot hatred for those Detroit teams. 

It’s Arena football. I like Arena well enough. But 100+ points?

What a fake article. Its been way more than 10 years since i played hitman 2, but im pretty sure none of the sceenes in the screenshot where in the game

As someone who grew up on a farm, daylight savings means shit all to farmers, especially those that manage livestock. You still feed the animals at the exact same time. You still milk the cows at the exacts same time. The only difference is the clock says a different time because you moved it an hour ahead or back.

The Buccaneers might have beaten the Bengals Sunday if they’d benched Winston quicker 

So basically the Timberwolves took a pretty decent young core, hired the wrong coach, let him run roughshod, and ruined everything.

Dang, how was that missed? Probably because he was so boring, he didn’t even come to mind. Cal Ripkin Jr. is more exciting.

They havent really had any major Free Agent signings in....oh, the 30 years the have existed.  It's probably not a big concern.

I’ll fix the Wolves in 6 words : Trade Jimmy, fire Thibs, hire Garnett.

Without Butler they probably won’t even make the playoffs.

Train released a song in the past couple of years that was a fucking ripoff of “Heart and Soul”, a song so fucking terrible that it is literally the song people who don’t know how to play the piano know how to play on the piano.

The resolution should be gameplay - i.e. you improve your player’s skills by completing in-game drills. Then the person who puts more time in at getting better at the game has a virtual player who reflects that time.

Video games are one of the only REAL hobbies that I have, and I work for a company that is primarily in the video game space, it is a dream come true for me. And I know people will probably form an opinion about my looks, my lifestyle, and whatever other negatives come from someone saying “Hey, my favorite hobby is