
Best thing about that is that he didn’t even go to Ohio State, he got stuck going to the MAC school instead, Ohio.

I hate the idea of eliminating the draft. it would turn every league into Euro soccer which is fine if you are a fan of one of the at most 6 teams that matter in each country if not welcome to never having a shot ever.

That is interesting because my interest in sports has done the opposite, though that might be because it became the only thing where I related to most of the people around me.

Old joke but I as to say it, If you put an NHL team in Hamilton won’t Toronto want one too?

Why should they, since the hiring of Hinkie all I heard from Process supporters was that championships are all that matter.

NBA rosters are 15 players.

I would put the Spurs above both Houston and OKC, though make it a 6 team set up with Cavs and Warriors getting byes and you might be on to something.

I was thinking the same thing, OKC got a lot better but still behind three others in the West. Granted I think they would have a shot against whoever wins the east but the hard part will be getting there.

You were in highschool when you were 38? At least you would have been popular since you could buy the booze for every party.

Third stringer is Stoler. I know you likely do not care but I want the name to haunt someone’s nightmares besides just my own.

Except for Culpepper you are right. Say what you will about his career after MN he had some great years with the Vikes.

I was against you until you made the Yankee fan point now I am strangely conflicted.

That is because young Nolan Ryan was wild as hell, though there is some conjecture that the wildness was intentional to add to intimidation.

Probably yes, when I think NYC I tend to think all five boroughs, or more honestly the first location I think of as NYC is Queens cause that is the one I am most familiar with having had a close friend that lived there so visited a few times. I will admit moneywise Manhattan is way more expensive than anything should

Last place aside, I have been to both Dallas and NYC and besides Broadway and music scene (Punk is my genre of choice) , I would put Dallas ahead of New York, it might be my tastes are different than most athletes (this is almost assuredly true) as far as spending the money once you get past $1 million you are pretty

Granted I am not an amazing athlete or in the prime of my life, but even when I was in the age range of most athletes I never understood the draw of certain places. Like I never understood why NYC was where they wanted to go. Granted my only concern when a FA would me who pays the most with likelihood of winning

I hate you so much for this comment, i could have happily lived my life not knowing this thing called Kyle Sloter existed. Sadly as a Vikes fan I had to learn of him, and now you have to remind me. At least I can tell you where Ryan Nassib went to college.

A teams passing yards have yards lost to sack subtracted from it, and individual qbs does not. In this case they lost ten yards on some number of sacks.

You are half right, they are in the sell tickets and get absurd free hand outs business, I would be shocked if even 10 owners actually cared about the winning football games part.

Or an antenna, I haven’t had cable or satellite in years but with digital substations I pull in 21 channels with a pair of rabbit ears and I live in a town of 125K. CBS and Fox broadcasts can likely be picked up by anyone who cares to tune in, not to mentioned sports bars having every game so for people like me who