
About the same as it does inside.

Speaking of copyright violations: hello there, illegal scanlation aggregate website.

"Barrier" is a bit of a loaded word to use to describe what happened in my case. My son's focus shifted from me to his mother and back again. It's cyclical, and he still does it. He bonded with her first, then with me at about five months old. It was sudden and unexpected and broke my wife's heart. She told me that it

As a mom, I can only tell you that it *IS* different for Mom and baby. We start our bonding with them before we even know they exist, and for the first year or so, baby and mom are still kind of one person. It's not so much of a barrier between mom and baby and dad, as a biological bond between mom and baby. Being

Huh, guess my invitation got lost in the mail.

Only if there's a way to counteract it. (e.g., Zelda-style rolls, shields, feather fall, Portal 2's blue gel and long fall boots, etc.)

How do you practice something like this!? I guess you don't and just hope you don't die.

Why spotlight terrible artwork?

This is kind of sad to hear from Miyazaki himself.... but I remember reading somewhere that he was the "Glass is half empty" kind of person if that makes any sense. So this might just be one of those moments but I will miss new Ghibli films.

I don't like Kim Kardashian. I don't like the show. I have changed my mind about's people character just because they told me they like watching it. But goddamned it, I'm a gamer first and foremost and the buzz surrounding it plus the same-sex relations thing made me actually download this "game" a week or so ago.


Okay here's my thing: This trailer shows a lot of action, but the one thing that makes it cool/remarkable is the song from Return of the King, aka The Most Emotionally Devastating Depiction of Sloppy Tomato-Eating In Cinematic History.

You don't know what Peter Jackson is capable of.

All good! But yeah, I really hate people who bullshit for the sake of popularity, but I also hate exclusive fandoms. When a group of people who share an interest actively drive away new people, it makes no sense to me. They're a whole different level of hipsters.

If it helps he doesn't speak for the geek community. If you don't know that much about comics or Harry Dresden or whatever that's fine, so long as you don't be a dick you're welcome to the geek community(at least by most of us).

They should now call their online service "PlayStation Prime" with Optimus Prime as their spokesrobot.

I'm sure Bungie and Activision are super proud they've spent all that time and money to create, Duck, Duck, Goose Simulator 2014.

I guess she couldn't.....SAVE FACE.

Just because girls won't play video games with you doesn't mean they don't play video games.