You could always defend with "They asked for it!", it's the perfect non-crime-but-still-kind-of-a-crime!
You could always defend with "They asked for it!", it's the perfect non-crime-but-still-kind-of-a-crime!
Well, yeah, that's what I was referring too. Een pak slaag/ransel, is a phrase I've used/heard being used before.
I am Dutch and have never in my life heard the word "ransel" being used as a substitute for backpack, only as a word to describe physical punishment. The more you know!
Throwing them behind you usually helps with the blowing-oneself-up aspect of your problem.
First off, I'd like to thank you for shedding some light on this situation. It's really interesting to read people their own experiences on matters like this.
I suppose it makes sense that the mother and child would have a different kind of bond, based on instinct. Participation of both parents would logically seem…
Thank you very much for your insightful response! I've done some self-reflection after reading your comment and I think I'm guilty of still shifting my focus. I guess that is also due to my parents being like water and fire. There's just certain things I go to my dad for and others to my mom. (Both, however, are good…
I'm crying like a little baby. This was beautiful! I love how it was so very simple, yet moving. It does somehow give off a vibe that there's a barrier between the mother-and-child team and the father though? I don't have children myself, so I'm not sure what that dynamic is like.
Also, congratulations on your third…
Shh! You'll ruin the magic!
Kill la Kill :)
One of the most appropriate uses of that scene that I've come across.