Seriously, tell me this isn’t like the back of a Dr. Bronner’s soap bottle:
And after all the shit she gave Darlene back in the day too!
I was already just clinging to life with this comment. But “pet a cat backwards” produced this gem.
Which pair?
I’ve got to go with #DoesHeLickItFromTheFrontToTheBack. Cuz I just can’t deal with another UTI right now.
Ever hear of the Streisand Effect, you coke snorting asshole?
Straw Man argument.
How about: idiot, asshat, clownboy with serious issues who needs to go the fuck away? This dude needs professional help.
After months of reading stuff, I've finally signed up for an account so that I could tell you how much I love this comment. Thank you.
Habitat for Huge Manatees.
It kind of sucks that of all characters, Noah was the one who didn’t have an arc.
(I’ll show myself out, thanks.)
I’m so sorry :(
That’s what happens when you love control more than your own children.
I try not to judge other parents, cause parenting is hard. But if you put your kid in conversion therapy I judge you. You are a shit parent.
the shirt or his body? I’m good either way.
I will never understand all these super-Christy types who mess with God’s plan by using science to have statistically near-impossible multiple births. Was it not God who made it so you couldn’t conceive? I thought God’s plan was always the right one.
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