
I'll take that challenge. I've been thinking about doing something like this... Any excuse to get out of auto sales.

Everyone realizes they create stories to drum up press? While I'm sure the email is real, I'm also sure Kris is not upset about this and there is monumentally worse stuff out there she has on her daughter/client.

Can we talk about Magic Mike for a minute? Should I purchase it immediately (now that I know M.M. is in it)?

Have zero expectations, then you can't be disappointed. - the Duggar lady

You can have someone else, he doesn't know check to see if he's on still. :)

I'm spending the rest of the day helping a friend move from a break up, her boyfriend preferred scratching someone else's itch. I hate helping people move; why does everything bad happen to me?

I would also consider duvet covers, this way you only have to wash the cover weekly and the duvet twice a year.

I would try to find a product you iron on like fabric tape which to my understanding has an adhesive on one side where hem tape is like double sided tape. Depending on your application one of the two should work.

torsolingerie.com isn't cheap, isn't used. (They even have a panty of the week club.)

Oh my, good story. After high school, over the summer, a couple of us worked at a local yacht club. My buddy, a very large built and attractive 19 year old, who taught tennis to children, slept with a female member. It was such a cliche, she drove her Mercedes wagon, wore a size 2 tennis outfit, dropped her kids off

The only way to get rid of the smell of seafood from your hands: cut lemons.

It is a quick way to weed out people who are not looking for serious relationships.

What's up with that sandwich? I'm big into slaw these days.

Sounds like the situation will work itself out ...

Live drag , good for NBC

Obviously you don't care about ruining things for other people. #ASSHOLE

Duggar- Wilkinson :)

I'd give you a side hug.

You have the best stories.

One of their kids is really setting off everyone's gaydar.