Fair enough, but you phrased it as "once again" which confuses me.
Fair enough, but you phrased it as "once again" which confuses me.
No, just paranoia
Translation: How to move money around and leave no trace.
“The media is going after me for the things I’ve publicly admitted to doing...which I never admitted to doing.”
The Clash are busy with Boris…
“I’m not an idiot,” he told the Post.
Awareness? In the same way the vampire is aware the first slivers of sunlight are starting to come through the windows, maybe.
“Stop your messing around. Better think of your future.”
That, or Trumps persecution complex is contagious.
Love you for this.
“Digital financial technologies - new opportunities for integrating payment systems of the Eurasian continent in transport Logistics.”
“I know you all are going after me. I know what you guys are doing with this.”
The “makeunder” is a long-standing tradition for defense teams as is the “nerdover”, which is the go to look for spoiled, shitstain petit bourgeoisie teen rapists.
Given none of the other neighbors have the rather bright red welcome mat on their door, I doubt any of them “accidentally” entered his apartment either. Funny how she managed that.
She should hate whoever gave her that awful dye job.
I don’t know who the fuck ungreyed your racist ass, but I’ve walked into the wrong apartment once before, while distracted, thinking it was mine. You know what I did? Saw a table that wasn’t mine, someone I didn’t know, and said: “Oh, fuck, my bad” and walked out. Here’s a thought that never once crossed my mind: “I…
But she is blonde, the best type of white so it just might work.
Fucking sociopath and her crocodile tears.
She took the stand?! Man, they are really banking on her whiteness. But she is blonde, the best type of white so it just might work.
“But his server!” works for me.