Well, when this ends how we all know it’s going to end, and given some other recent headlines like this:
Well, when this ends how we all know it’s going to end, and given some other recent headlines like this:
That video is a work of art. It concisely outlines most of Cheetolini’s crimes and offenses in a neat, readable form that is also entertaining. Other articles may include all the links to deeper analyses, but we all know what gets circulated on Facebook and Twitter and it’s not annotated articles.
What in the absolute fuck
This was very aggravating when Lucas did it, but we humored him. Let me repeat: We humored him. It was cute when a few filmakers did it later because “satire.”
I think probably he WAS good.... until, as the kids say, he wasn’t.
Powerful weak! He's dodging.
Only without Biggus Dickus!
So, the Don Jr defense? Too stupid to commit a crime.
That would suggest Commander McCheese has strategy. I don’t think he has any of that. Throwing someone else under the bus is just his way of life.
They made a false accusation against a federal employee, and a high one at that.
Party of law and order.
Barr really would try to argue some slap-nonsense like “retroactive privilege”. Utterly corrupt.
Yeah... no.
I mean....lucky for us it doesn’t apply that way... I’m sure they’ll assert it anyway but if they’re going to start actually holding Trump to account maybe that kind of nonsense won’t w ork anymore.
Ooh, so likely. Their machinations are so convoluted and dumb, usually based off an incorrect primary assumption. “All the best people!”
The “not the first time” the Administration tried to bury politically sensitive transcript is telling. What other amazing dirt is sitting there and how badly do I want THAT to come out!?! My penis can only get so erect! /Archer
Oh yeah, I’ll bet there’s some really interesting stuff on there.
Can we somehow turn this into a RICO case and flush the whole fucking lot of them down a Riker’s toilet?
There’s one file labeled “NOT THE PISS TAPE!!!”
I don’t think it’s so much 4-dimentional chess as a gestalt-type of thing. If you get a bunch of people, some of whom have different abilities (Steven Miller is a psychopath, Donnie is a dramatic narcissist, Rudy is unhinged, self-aggrandizing and crazy, Bill Barr is the complete sycophant, and so on, ) you get a…