Poodletime II: the Return of Poodletime

I guess they don’t know the cyber like Barron does.

I will supply the wood chipper

I’m fighting off my “nothing matters” internal voice, and I’m going to get drunk tonight.

I’m sure they believe if they just yell at the IT guy *a little louder* it will happen.

this whole situation feels like a Coen brothers movie plot

Now playing

I have a whole convoluted story in my head that some hero is undermining the administration from within knowing that they can never take credit and will possibly have to ruin their good name by appearing unwaveringly loyal to Drumpf. I know they’re just mean, petty, incompetent idiots squabbling amongst themselves but

Can guarantee you every boomer maga dipshit in his office right now is like; “yeah, you know, there should be a way to unsend an email”

Fox News tomorrow: the real scandal here is that the FAKE NEWS MEDIA insist on reporting what happened, even when the administration told them not to!

I’m fully enjoying this because I’ve had so little to enjoy that my joy barometer is broken and this is what happiness and hope feels like now.

Motherfuckers are playing checkers but they imprisoned the black pieces and tried to deport the red pieces

or 1-dimensional Chutes & Ladders

God, I wish I could fully enjoy this. I wish I could revel in this utter stupidity and incompetence and absurdity. I wish I could just bathe in the schadenfreude without that pessimistic voice in the back of my head staring out the window distractedly and softly whispering, “none of this matters, you know.”

Unfortunately the Trump administration only allows staffers to use @aol.com addresses.

Anyone still wanna go with the “their playing 4-dimensional chess” angle?

Oh, man, if only there were a “take back that e-mail I sent to the wrong person” button. Oh well, live a little learn nothing at all (Trump administration motto).

Yeh, this is a pretty easy-to-digest type of crime spree by Trump & Co. The Russia/Mueller thing was so complex that the average Joe wasn’t going to even bother diving into all the tentacles and specifics. This is fairly straightforward. If nothing else, hopefully it sways middle-of-the-road/undecided voters in 2020.

I feel like it won’t work this time because the Democrats (and the media, it seems) finally aren’t playing along with this bullshit. Did everyone just fucking snap finally?

Yep. And after that, the White House releases a redacted version of the whistleblower complaint, which aligns somewhat with the single phone call transcript (which is in itself likely edited/altered, and is only one in a series of calls).

First they came for Ivanka, and I said nothing, because she seemed like she was still doing OK.