
“Well, child, once upon a time, many Americans owned their own homes or had reasonably nice apartments that only cost them around 15% of their income. And they had steady jobs, many of them, with benefits. And then, one day, a man came along named Ronald Reagan, who was a former actor and a tough talker... Oh,

Hey, about what might happen to him in the future, not about any naturist activities he might have... *throws up in mouth a little* ....

I’m almost afraid to look in the mirror these days to see how much I’ve aged!

Oooooh, very circular. Me like!

Well, we don’t know what he did when he was younger.... A girl can dream!

That is a good present! Very nice. I’d risk being jailed also. Better safe than sorry.

Oh, yes. My latin teacher taught it to us in the 9th grade!

A girlfriend of mine had the same problem. Maybe when the weather warms up, you can have him be like a bear, and do his pooping in the woods? I always used to trot out food bribes for the small number of things I really wanted. That’s the real reason for “not using them” — to make sure that they are truly

God damn, you are right!

God, this is a good point.

It’s really a bafflement. I have to assume it’s an American Exceptionalism thing, like, “I’m never going to get pregnant without my husband having a good job with excellent benefits,” or “I’m never going to end up as a drug addict, and neither are any of my children, friends, or relatives.”

In my humble opinion, it’s what we should all do. Soon enough, I will be the correct age to be one of your (unneeded) rescuers!

Thank you, I will! I love the original, I love this version!

You have pretty darn productive drunk thoughts. I do not know how one obtains RU-486 packs in large quantities. Since the U.S. is rapidly turning into a banana republic, they are very hard to get here. We could crowdsource the funding to buy them in bulk if we can find a supplier. The drones are already available.

I’m there for this! I will also send you cookies if they are allowed!

At least it’s an entertaining one!

The sooner the better!

I think the reason it’s a bad idea is that your credit card information passes through so many additional hands when you do it that way. It’s a little different than when you donate to a specific cause by buying through Amazon, for example. Those purchases are still handled by Amazon itself, just with a different

This is an excellent idea! Very nice!

Yeah, I was not happy about this. But we gotta keep our eyes on the prize, I guess.