
Well, we don’t know what he did when he was younger.... A girl can dream!

That is a good present! Very nice. I’d risk being jailed also. Better safe than sorry.

Oh, yes. My latin teacher taught it to us in the 9th grade!

A girlfriend of mine had the same problem. Maybe when the weather warms up, you can have him be like a bear, and do his pooping in the woods? I always used to trot out food bribes for the small number of things I really wanted. That’s the real reason for “not using them” — to make sure that they are truly

God damn, you are right!

God, this is a good point.

It’s really a bafflement. I have to assume it’s an American Exceptionalism thing, like, “I’m never going to get pregnant without my husband having a good job with excellent benefits,” or “I’m never going to end up as a drug addict, and neither are any of my children, friends, or relatives.”

In my humble opinion, it’s what we should all do. Soon enough, I will be the correct age to be one of your (unneeded) rescuers!

Thank you, I will! I love the original, I love this version!

You have pretty darn productive drunk thoughts. I do not know how one obtains RU-486 packs in large quantities. Since the U.S. is rapidly turning into a banana republic, they are very hard to get here. We could crowdsource the funding to buy them in bulk if we can find a supplier. The drones are already available.

I’m there for this! I will also send you cookies if they are allowed!

At least it’s an entertaining one!

The sooner the better!

I think the reason it’s a bad idea is that your credit card information passes through so many additional hands when you do it that way. It’s a little different than when you donate to a specific cause by buying through Amazon, for example. Those purchases are still handled by Amazon itself, just with a different

This is an excellent idea! Very nice!

Yeah, I was not happy about this. But we gotta keep our eyes on the prize, I guess.

OK, that Star Wars thing is one of the best ever. Do you know from whence it came?

This is one of my favorites! I love how the cat is so placid, even with the costume on....

I need that GIF!

No, of course not. But they have been operating outside what one of their one operatives called “a reality-based paradigm” for years now. One is hardly surprised that they struggle with basic math.