Oooooh, sick overhead lighting burn! Snap!
Oooooh, sick overhead lighting burn! Snap!
Preach, sister!
Damn straight!
I feel you, there. That’s why I’m plumping for a non-profit, more heavily-moderated version of FB. Same services, fewer crimes and blackmail and stalking and treason.
It sounds like the Mom in question was being tormented by other people’s standards. Ferberizing, you know, was originally developed to deal with older children who had sleep problems severe enough that they were brought to a clinic. It’s not some kind of standard.
Don’t care. Bad heart, nasty face. Ugh. Keep him away from my imaginary BF John Cho!
Yeah, I totally agree. That’s why I’m a little concerned when the Mom in this article seem to have fixed ideas about what should be happening when.
Baby’s going to be ready when baby is ready. It sounds like you have her on a good schedule.
It’s as if all of these guys and gals of a certain generation used a grunt load of hair spray and air conditioning, and then are surprised that they have to wear sunscreen if they don’t want to get cancer. Well, duh!
I want one SO BAD!
fingers crossed!
I was wondering about that, too. I’m guessing it’s an old skin cancer removal scar. Many golf players of an earlier generation will have them. Maybe that’s what the orange make-up is for....
Pretty soon we are going to need a deranged stalker-style bulletin board arrangement with the maps and pins and photographs and pieces of red yarn and such just to explain all of the law-breaking, ethics violations, and treason that this administration is engaging in. Geez.
Well, I confess that I co-slept with my baby more than once, and in general it’s a frowned-upon practice, but many studies have shown that it’s pretty safe as long as neither of the parents is drunk or high.
This poor woman seems like she’s panicking. I’m hoping she gets a chance to pump a bunch of milk and then go sleep at a hotel for a day and two nights. She’ll probably be able to think are clearly when she’s had some sleep....
Good Grief, Good Point!
Flushed Away is a good movie! he has excellent taste!
My concern is that the mother in question seems to be fixated on the idea that her child should be sleeping all the way through the night at 9 months. Some babies do, some babies don’t. Some children are hungry at night. Some need a clean, dry diaper. Some need more stimulation during the day. Some need to sleep…
Mashed-up avocado is a wonderful food for babies.
I dunno. In general you’re absolutely right, but unloading some of the Trump states is looking mighty appealing right now.