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    Why, yes. That is a literal fact. How do you interpret this fact you are taking pains to call attention to? There those who might infer from the tone of your post that her parents "put" her in a situation worthy of your "bad" feelings leading one to conclude you judge the parents in a less than kind light. In short,

    I agree. At the professional level, in virtually every sport, theres not a whole helluva lot physically separating the best from the rest but if the mental edge is helped by "hating" the opponent, so be it.

    That Argentine team was very good. Barring injury and a Di Maria suspension, they win, I think. That said, the notion that Ronaldo is objectively better than Messi? Yeah, you gotta come jump with something better than, "But I watch the games!"

    I still drink regular Guinness every weekend at the pub while watching Manchester City disappoint. My buddy drinks Stella. I think I'm a leg up there.

    I think you are implying Salt Lake plays at home against the Galaxy when it's the other way around. Otherwise, I'm not sure why you're touting Salt Lake's prowess at home.

    Side question: Football Manager or FIFA? I can afford one but not both.

    There really isn't but Michael Ezra has a book to sell so he's calling bullshit.

    Damn, this is some excellent shit.

    Fantastic. +1


    Jesus, you fucking soccer trolls just never, ever fucking stop, do you?

    It's like if you took the exact tone of The Shawshank Redemption, removed the interesting characters, dumbed it down to the level of a precocious high-school sophomore, and added a bunch of supernatural mumbo jumbo.

    I fell into the "drink Heineken and Rolling Rock because you're better than other people" for awhile. God, I could be a prick.

    Fuch it then. All the best.

    Okay, how about fuch off and go watch some paint dry?

    False equivalency bullshit by an NFL fan? Shocking.

    Oh for fucks sake, this again? Yes, soccer allows the ball to be contacted with a player's head. Hell, it's encouraged as a strategy. In olden times, a player actually died early because of head trauma (sort of like a lot of NFL players are doing now) and soccer lightened the ball, thus lessening the trauma. In other

    Fuch off.

    I wonder if the size of the country has anything to do with it? England has, literally, hundreds of teams and the travel time for any of them is no more than a drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco. A team gets relegated but develops a loyal following and their fans can travel without too much expense or disruption.