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    I don't have anything as witty as what we're seeing. I'm just waiting for all the redbird supporters to get here with their #notallcardinalsfans posts.

    As a Dodger fan, I'm pissed we traded him. I remember his time here vividly—great prospect treated like shit because he wasn't "as good" as Eric Karros (compare their careers) and "didn't get it" so they traded him for Jeff Shaw because Tommy Lasorda needed a closer. Konerko probably thanks all that is holy he got

    Great stuff, Billy. I'm forwarding this to my brother, the hockey fan who no longer watches as much football and baseball. I gave up on the previous two sports because they were just too goddamn long. A little less than three years ago, I committed to following a Premier League team for one year and that it wasn't

    Oh, hell, I'll bite.

    That sound you hear? That's Irony throwing herself into the Aegean.

    I got nothing humorous or punny here. Just wanted to say that second box quote is gold from first line to last. American sports fans have to put up with bullshit non-responses while the rest of the world gets the batshit crazy stuff? Doesn't seem fair.

    Well, up until now, no one had to grant the team possession "by default" because they always claimed it in the first place. Hell, the refs even double checked to make sure Texas "knew" what they were doing.

    FFP isn't meant to protect teams from spending themselves into oblivion. FFP was created to protect the big clubs.

    Now playing

    Tonsure haircuts. Noose ties. Kids wondering what the fuck are they dancing to. God but The Monks were an enormously fun band.


    Anybody else curious to see Ferry's response?

    Now playing

    Suicidal Tendencies. As a kid, I always wondered why Pepsi didn't use this to their advantage in the cola wars. My friends knew these guys, was going to introduce me to them at a party but they never showed up.

    I vividly remember reading this for the first time. It's Kram at his best which is a pleasure but in light of the concussion scandal, I'm rereading it now and getting sick to my stomach.

    He's the next great player. Anand barely missed out—came up the same time as Kasparov, got better after Kaspy retired and beat all comers until the Norwegian got him. Carlsen has youth, he's got an extraordinary grasp of the computer side of chess (as Nakamura pointed out above)... he'll be champion for a decade or

    You think the teacher should've lost her job?

    Fuck! I'm losing this argument.

    You're equating scaring with traumatizing. Sometimes, those two are not the same thing.

    They shit the bed in Europe because of they keep getting shit draws. Any reasonable soccer fan can see that over the last four years—a pretty good length of time—City has been a better side than Arsenal and yet Arsenal is in Pot A. Fans can be forgiven for asking what the hell is that all about.

    Thanks for the reference. And yeah... I probably should've checked that before I posted. :)

    Greg, can you explain why City is in pot 2 and Arsenal is in pot 1? Does last season's FA Cup carry that much weight? :) Hope all is good.