
Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

In an international scene, it tells a lot about the historical scene you come from, a scene which often dates back 2 decades, before esports really existed.

Grey and Blue knows how to throw a punch. Orange guy does some weird downward chop like he’s a silver screen damsel-in-distress fighting off the evil Count Rupert. Green Shirt throws haymakers and White shirt only knows how to wrestle and not very well. I think you’ve gotta score Notre Dame for the win on this one,

A pair of helpful Miami fans eventually disentangled the fight.

Stereotypes are a real time saver.


If I could figure out how to be compensated for ignoring Wisconsin, that would be even better. Scott Walker is the person who has come the closest to ever accomplishing this.

This is actually 1:1 how they made Mass Effect 3 multiplayer.

“just don’t reward the predatory parts of it that ask for additional money.”

It should be noted that Aubrey Huff’s ratio on that initial tweet is currently at “career year for Aubrey Huff.”

“if we evolved from monkeys, why are there monkeys?”

I would mock the fact that she’s looking at the panda with more affection and joy than she’s ever looked at Trump, but who among us wouldn’t be more excited to hold hands with a panda than with Trump-Teeny-Todger.

We went through every question you could imagine, and I answered even some more for them just so they knew I was good, and then went back in there.

I used to think that too, until I realized that it shortens the team’s bye weeks by three days, and everyone on a bye can’t play on the Thursday coming off the bye. So some teams would get the benefit of a full two weeks off a bye while others would lose those few games. Yes, they’d gain them on the other side, but


Press X to pay respects.

Because that is what this console is advertised as. A higher quality graphically and performance machine. In this instance it is fitting. As long as consoles exist, we are stuck at 30FPS because 60FPS doesn’t sell video games in trailers.. Its the graphics.

I feel like those still are not accurate descriptors of the choices. You’re supposed to use Truth when the witness is being honest with you, Doubt when the witness is lying but you don’t have proof, and Lie when the witness is lying and you do have proof. Why can’t they make that clear?

Satire is dead? Someone should tell South Park, The President Show, The Opposition, The Onion, The Hard Times, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, Deadspin, John Oliver...

Wait just a minute here.