
This was a top ten game of all time for me until the final few hours, would still highly recommend it.

I think Metallica is more of a pop-rock radio type than even Black Sabbath though 

Can we stop with the whole real animals as college mascots thing?

The joke I was trying to make was that the Knicks have such bad luck that if they had Zion, this injury would sideline him for the whole year, making him eligible for rookie awards next year

If he was a Knick he’d be a ROY contender next year like Blake Griffin 

He's really leaning in to this whole looking the other way thing 

Vontaze is on the Raiders now 

He was drafted late in the first round, and with those expectations he was a bust.

It’s weird to consider he’s not old enough. Even for the next one. Why is that a rule

They went 12-4 just 3 years ago. I don’t point this out as a defense of the Raiders, but rather to highlight they won 12 games and we all still correctly recognize them as never having been good.

Doing this just gives credence to the false narrative that video games and actual shootings are related. Plus if you postpone every time there's a mass shooting in America this tournament will never happen. 

The 3 hour national radio show is apparently the most listened to sports radio show in the country

Nah, he was just finishing his big breakfast :) 

Shouldn’t this also apply to Spo?

And moon landing denier Steph went to Davidson 

About 7 times better? 

I would like to submit an application to add a Cross-Fitter to your joke 

More money doesn't effect his life positively. But a buyout and ban takes away access to his toy 

People turning off ninja because he is eating is exactly what ninja is trying to avoid

Either team from the other West series