
I would agree with you aside from the fact the Zags are incapable of playing against a zone defense and will struggle against Cuse in the second round

Isn’t treasure chest what he “meant” anyways? He wanted a big payday.

(Meant in quotes because he was misunderstood saying Mr. Big Check)

Marie recommends clear bins 

Marie recommends clear bins 

I think it was they hadn't beat Denver anywhere in 18. The 1990 stat is last time they've beat them IN Denver 

The Bengals highlighting how terrible Jameis is by allowing his Journeyman backup to destroy worlds, while still winning the game, is a Top 5 Franchise accomplishment

Read that again. It's comparing what 15k is like for Brown to pay

But $60 isn’t enough money for a game for them without adding microtransactions

I think they are referencing the fact that Trivett was using that word a lot during his tirade. Granted, your point still stands

Minor but important counterpoint:

I’m actually willing to believe the Bengals medical staff would prescribe him something on the banned list

Yeah it took me about 7 in game hours to figure this out, idk how I missed it

I don’t remember the actual context (if it was even an all star weekend) but I remember seeing Durant and rondo playing horse and it took fucking forever because nba players don’t miss a lot of uncontested jump shots

The “bad thing” is the journalism branch of a company, and the advertising branch, are supposed to operate independently of each other

With his hair like that, the weather must be Stormy

It’s a trump joke, as he often says the meaningless phrase people are talking about it to try and lend credibility to a factually inept statement

Anyone overlooking ten fucking thousand rats has never played Dishonored.

I slapped my knee recently at an Andy Kindler stand up, and he called me out on it. Which I guess implies it’s rare these days?

Fair and just?

Theoretical 2014 Reaction: Oh no, aliens have come to kill us and harvest our planet for resources.

Horizon Zero Dawn is neither on PC, nor a shooter