
“approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius”

“approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius”

He’s not conning other rich people. He’s conning (maybe not even in a self aware manner) the poor and Middle class on behalf of the rich

Finally the US does not get a bullshit group draw

Aaron is cool tho

Kinda, but Jr was still like, really really good at baseball during the healthy stints

Trump nominated this FCC head, and could put a stop to it if he wanted (he isn’t). So Trump literally is to blame

Is the insinuation that references to two Japanese made video game consoles is American tongue-in-cheek?

I was with you until “adulting”

Does the third baseman wear riot gear?

Aren’t those all more reasons why he should know geography?

There’s an optical illusion painted on a court!

Uh, I have questions about how Wisc and Michigan are on team Blue, whereas Colorado and some key others have been thrown under the bus

He see’s Draymond literally every day of the season, who reportedly gave KD a ton of shit for the fake twitter thing

Durant two weeks ago tho?

This decade’s Chris Weinke

“arguing that an airplane flying over an arena packed with NFL fans is an inherently dangerous proposition”

Just like steroids, you have to be good at the thing already to have cheating help you be elite

All Day I Dream About Sanctions

There’s no way the conservative UNC administration would allow that. Look at their refusal to take down statues or rename buildings of old racists.