
Sure, in 2017 Sid is unquestionably more accomplished. But Sid was also putting his name in game titles early on

He created the Battle Royale mods for the Arma games, and also helped with H1Z1's mode

He’s the Sid Meier of the shooter mod/Battle Royale style genre so... makes sense to me

Today I learned that SASE stands for Self Addressed Stamped Envelope


Titans twice to open the season?

Same. I am very good at getting to the final 25 players, and hilariously bad at getting to the top 10. My girlfriend refuses to watch when I play this way but I stand firm!

Doesn’t the “2017 Champs” written directly under the “Can’t beat ‘em join ‘em” criticism actually validate that criticism?

Both songs are awful, but I’ll take the ladies with actual singing talent and successful careers outside of intro songs

You are right, the home fans miss a game, but home fans are also purposefully screwed by planned NFL things like the London games.

The NFL likes to talk a lot about player safety, and making two teams play 16 in a row is not in service of player safety

Move the game to a neutral field and play it this week. MLB just did this. It makes less $ tho and that’s why it didn’t happen

Ryan Howard has a career WAR of 14.9

Further down that same article says to use less for time so idk what to believe

Yeah but didn’t he only make it one semester or years, along those lines

I for one, would be interested in purchasing a mattress made of fake, contraband, pokemon plushies

Why would they put him back at first, he did the interference

I’ll take the bait for that deal. I switched to a safety razor a couple years ago but have been thinking about coming back to cartridge land

I’ll take the bait for that deal. I switched to a safety razor a couple years ago but have been thinking about

I know it’s a joke, and a decent one. But for the uninitiated Northern Kentucky is part of the Cincinnati area, just happens to have different license plates on the cars. The distinction is important from a political/tax standpoint, but culturally it is Cincinnati

There’s so many great nuggets in here, but my favorite is the implication Billy Hamilton won’t be playing CF then

Doesn’t the S already play 4k Blu ray though?