
"[Gronk and I] were into the same things—girls and hanging out and having a good time on top of football."

'It's nice but not ignore-new-england-penalties nice' - Dean Blandino

"Funny, I was just yelled at by a few hundred PC elitists just a few weeks ago how it wasn't necessary to upgrade your PC regularly in order not to get left behind."

Not to be that guy, but:
"I get that you can build a PC and never touch it for 4 years and still play new games, my point was that if you wanted to play those new games at max settings, you have to regularly upgrade your equipment, something that isn't required for consoles."

Or get rid of the elitist attitude. You are the perfect example as to why that community sucks balls.

"3 Games"

This question is inherently biased towards quarterbacks. Also, Houston would be horrendous without Watt.

It is clearly a Chevy...

"In the future, nobody should try to shoot that door. That door is too tough."

Left out the best one.

Timmy: Excitedly plays as Denver, loses.


Central Michigan is on its way to the Bahamas

And your argument is that a remake of a game that won last year's GotY award should win again?

That's ok. I'm sure he'll bounce back using the revenue generated from his soon-to-be-released autobiography, Turnover: A New Leaf.

How many personalities does Randy Marsh have?!

That's the part that's weird to you, and not that the toilet doesn't have a tank, that there are several rolls of partially used toilet paper on the shelves, and that there appears to be a shower curtain BEHIND the toilet?

Me: Yeah so they might have two, 'One True Champions'

If I had to guess, he's probably asking Blake some advice on his step-back jumper...

Giffin: That kid was back here again...