How do you do that? It only allows 2 day shipping because I have prime.
How do you do that? It only allows 2 day shipping because I have prime.
I preordered my conse about a minute after it was abvailable on amazon. I still haven't received a delivery date.
November 22nd 2013. Week after PS4, week before Black Friday, and a few days after Watch Dogs.
Good point.
Timed exclusives really don't count though. An do we really know if games like Ryse or Killer Instinct are going to be any good to justify spending $500 on new hardware? Because let's be honest, the best exclusive game on that list is Forza 5 an for me that's worth the money for new hardware (exactly why I pre ordered…
I remember last year when we were all complaining about the sheer amount of multiplats launching on Wii U as a reason to not buy in to the console. When I look at this launch line up though, most 90 percent of the games I could get on the PS3/360 an not have to spend $500 on new hardware.
You lost me the second you said "the demo isn't long enough."
Super Mario Bros. 2 hands down
The biggest question I want Nintendo to answer is why did they make the Wii U and Wii look almost identical.
Do we have a release date for PvZ 2 in the states yet?
yes but it's not as big as a messenger bag. It's basically small enough so it doesn't get in the way if I'm going out for the day or going to work.
As a man I love my murse. It allows me to take my iPad mini, 3Ds, allergy medicine, and aspirin everywhere I go without cramping my pockets up.
I don't think this has changed so much. I graduated high school in 2005 and throughout school I had to hide my interests. Most girls/guys in my school made fun of the people who didn't like football, basketball, trends, latest clothes etc. The same went on throughout college for me as well. If you wanted to stay in an…
I really think Cameron has zero idea how the internet even works.
At first glance I thought someone ported the game to iOS
An with this article, I'm ordering a box of Pizza after work and going to re watch all the Pixar movies this weekend.
Does anyone know if Anno 2070 is a worthy purchase? I've been looking at that game for a while, but won't purchase it at full price because I don't want to get burned.
Ordered my copy a few minutes after this story was posted last night and I still haven't received my copy yet.