
You have an Xbox 360 controller waiting for you in your living room and a console hungry to entertain you. It’s an

In Los Santos, born and raised,

I'll wait till they fix the lag issues

Wow. Once again, another game that is not releasing on the Wii U platform....

Now playing

Meanwhile, my fathers day tends to consist of watching

Just because you call it non-existent doesn't make it so. And the why?

Game Reviewer states an opinion. DML897 "HIDDEN AGENDA OMG"

And they didn't receive a review copy pre-rtail, Ubi were super selective about who got them for this game.

Rainbow Road is in Mortal Kombat 8?

I don't think I totally understand the last bit of your last sentence. Can you rephrase?

What if they planned to conceive and then she "decided" to have an abortion? Does that make it any better? I don't think that happened, but you seem to be so black/white with an issue as complex as two humans and two babies.

Biology yes. SC? Let's just say they're not always right

Quick analysis:

I hate to say it, but Samus was designed by men, in an era when women were easily objectified, in a country where women played a smaller role than men and were often objectified in said era. Samus is supposed to be a woman who says nothing, looks sexy, and gets half naked when you do a good job. These are not my

Injecting your own idea of character into a character with no...... character. Other M was the first game in which she even had character. The narrative in Fusion didn't really exude character as much as it barely touched on it, while mostly using itself to narrate the game to add depth to the linearity. Anything

Just play as regular Samus then, or if it bothers you that much, don't buy and support the game. Easy concept.

Just like the old saying goes: "'I' before 'E' except after 'C' and don't you dare put a motherfucking 'K' after that shit either or I'll murder the fuck outta you."

"When we said to get protection from flamers, this... isn't what we meant."