Sudden Death Syndrome is prevalent among young people under the age of 35. Still, all of this is speculation until we get information on the cause of death, which I don't think has been disclosed yet.
Sudden Death Syndrome is prevalent among young people under the age of 35. Still, all of this is speculation until we get information on the cause of death, which I don't think has been disclosed yet.
Toyota did the same thing in the Avengers movie with their Lexus brand. One scene keeps the focus on I think the RX 400 for at least a good two seconds before it goes to another scene. I remember the entire audience made a collective "wow" because of it.
If Crackdown 3 is anything like the original I will buy it day one. If it plays like crackdown 2, than it's not getting my money.
A true hero
I think the problem is using that pattern because a minority in the African-American community uses that culture. Therefore, we generalize her as talking "black," when in reality only a small minority of the African-American community talks using slang. People get offended by that and when you look at the original…
Again, not true at all. My family works within the city of Philadelphia and the people I've interacted with who are African American talk with proper english. Some of my family also lives in that city an themselves an their neighbors talk and live with sense. Your generalizing black people with a minority of young…
In order to get medicine to buy you need to upgrade Nook's junction to the mart. In order to upgrade you need to spend over 15,000 bells in the store, have your game active for more than 10 days, and pick up 15 different items. Once you complete the task, Timmy or Tommy will let you know that the store will close for…
Same here. It got so bad that they gave me free medicine lol.
Ever black person I've been around talks with proper english. The rap culture your trying to identify is the culture you see on TV/movies which does not reflect the millions of African Americans in this country and blacks around the world. So to generalize blacks because of some music videos, tv shows, and movies…
Don't listen to rap, sorry. Why am I suppose to do that as well?
As an African American you really disgust me with your shameful comment. Race does not decide how you speak and present yourself.
I don't think it had anything to do with her being a women. I think it had to do with the fact that there are a ton of other characters Nintendo still hasn't put in that game from their 30 plus franchises and they pick the mascot of a game more core gamers didn't play. Also Nintendo made a big fuss about a big…
According to the law here in the United States you have no right to stop anyone from taking pictures of you.
Nintendo still hasn't had a character of African decent in the main Mario titles either, but I'm not gonna hold my breathe for that one. An I don't even think they have a black character in the entire Mario universe if I'm not mistaken. An what also sucks is that you can't even be a black character in Animal Crossing…
I agree. Runs great on my iPhone 5 and I've been playing it on that, but the lack of screen size makes it too tough to handle. Thankfully, they included iCloud support so when a update is finally released, I can continue my game on my tablet.
I've been having issues with this game on my iPad Mini and I would caution iPad Mini owners to hold off on downloading this game. Every time I make it through the first tutorial, the game crashes and burns. It's almost like clock work, and user reviews in the app store are reporting the same issue with their iPad…
I'm definitely going to try and download this later, but I don't think my 16Gb iPad is going to fit anything else after I just downloaded X-com. Guess I'll have to remove some old podcasts and video podcasts. On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't for the sake of my wallet.
I think it's because there is a lot of generalizations being thrown around in the comment section. It's like if I say "girls don't do x" than others who happen to be female chime in to dispute that claim because I just generalized 3 billion people.
But this whole issue were about women victim blaming (Serena Williams and Whoopi), what do men have to do with this discussion right now?