
yeah I am really bad at picking up sarcasm so my apologies and I did not mean to offend you if I did.

Considering half of white males voted for Ovama your comment makes absolutely no sense at all

I do not think Obama will age that drastically over the next 4 years considering that it is widely accepted that African Americans age at a slower rate than most people. Case in point, when you look at Obama when he was 48, the man could pass for someone who was in their thirties.

GOP will be stealing this in 2016. Obama reminds me of Apple of setting the standards with campaigning, while the GOP reminds me of other companies trying to play catch up.

Who the hell are you ? I pay for my own place, I pay for my own car, and I pay for my own MBA without parental help at a private catholic university. So STFU if your going to make accusations about someone without even knowing them jackass.

I am voting for Barack Obama because of my disgust for what the GOP has become over the last four years. It amazes me that anyone could even support the party or its platform. They scream of a smaller government, yet they want to expand government with respect to controlling a women's vagina. I cannot stand seeing

Apple remote app has been my savior since I lost my Apple TV remote.

What about the other 33 countries though?


I have a picture I wana show, but I wanted to point this out to the Giz team!

It is Sunday Afternoon and I can say your assessment is correct.

I hope he got insurance on that truck .

All of the Philadelphia region is going to loose it next week.

I see your point.


Thank you! Sorry if I sound like a n00b, but is it easy to get into the bios?

Thank you!

Can anyone tell me why my two week old computer (Core i3 2120, 8GB of ram, AMD 6670, 500GB HDD) will not allow me to upgrade to Windows 8? I installed the discount upgrade offer and it keeps giving me this message without an error code. Microsoft pretends like I have no idea what I am talking about and completely

Why are you so offended? The fact remains at one point this was true, regardless of the rationale.

I love you guys are being critical of a device that really warrants scrutiny. Having a repackaged iPad 2 is annoying, considering the iPad 2 is left out of some of the features of iOS6. Therefore, if the iPad mini is getting these features, why not the iPad 2? Just seems like a pure money grab from Apple, with respect