To go to the desktop all you have to do is hit the windows key after you log in.
To go to the desktop all you have to do is hit the windows key after you log in.
Thanks! If you are looking for a smaller tablet, the mini is your safest bet especially when you consider the sheer number of tablet apps. The mini looks to be a great portable gaming device compared to the 3DS and Vita (iPod touch is too small), and Siri dictation should really help when you need to send a quick…
That is exactly how I feel. An apps barely use the full power of the iPad 3 internals so I really do not see the need to upgrade to the iPad 4.
Can anyone explain to me what happen to AMD CPu's?
Yup! I am extremely excited and each refurb iPad (might be new since they are all classified as "refurb" now) come with a new battery and one year warranty.
All you have to do is goto the Mac App store/Steam and check out games like Civ 5, MW1, etc. and in the description about the game it states that Intel HD Chips are not supported. If it states it does not work, then am I not suppose to believe the developer who created the game and buy them anyway?
iPad 3 (retina) is on clearance for $380 starting yesterday.
I canceled my Surface pre order and bought an iPad 3 on the cheap last night. $380 for a Retina iPad is such a steal.
I made that mistake when I got my 13 inch Pro in 2011. The Mac App store has a TON of AAA games and about 98% of them DO NOT work with Intel HD chips. For example, Modern Warfare 1 (5 year old game) is not supported on Intel HD integrated chips. Also Steam has some games, but a lot of the games do not work with the…
IF you stumbled over to twitter during the Apple's presser, you would have seen people were mad because Apple updated the iPad six months after release. When the Lumia 900 was released about two months later we got the news that Lumia customers will be denied an upgrade path to WP8, even though the Lumia 900 was the…
This is the same crap Nokia/Microsoft did to Lumia/WP7 owners. I guess 2012 is the year of the shaft.
They should just drop the price of the iPad 2 and call it a day. From what I have read this new iPad is nothing more than a repackaged iPad 2, with a smaller screen. Therefore, why put other users at a more disadvantage? People will flock to an iPad at a $300 price point, regardless of its screen size. Also people…
Gotta Love LTE
I played WoW on an off for the last 3 years and I just could not get into the game. On the otherhand, I just started out with SW TOR and I have put a good 5 hours in and I will continue to play. Again, MY opinion.
My comment wasbased on MY opinion so I do not understand where you come off trying to imply that I am wrong.
It seems populated right now, but since it is going F2P, I would try and revisit the game sometime.
SW:TOR is your best bet. I just got into it and its a great starter MMO IMO if you are trying to avoid WoW.
How about we just call it iPad? Thats what is going to say on the back anyway, especially when we look at the iPad 2, or the "New iPad."
I heard a $329 Price point for the iPad mini
HP proved that if the price is right people will buy anysize tablet.