It’s the last of the cam-belt V8s. Mandatory replacement every second service or 3 years. It’s an engine-out procedure; 2 days of labour, at least $7.5K for the job!
It’s the last of the cam-belt V8s. Mandatory replacement every second service or 3 years. It’s an engine-out procedure; 2 days of labour, at least $7.5K for the job!
No, this is a naming convention Ferrari adopted in May 1976. Older than that, if it has less than 12 cylinders, it’s not a Ferrari it’s a Dino…
Well, that’s been my assumption since the story broke…
Dynamite works wonders…
I’m surprised Soros can hire anyone. Bastard still owes me my cash from January!
Who’s the woman at the bottom right? Until she started blinking, I thought it was a cardboard cutout…
Who needs an excuse?
Thank god we’re just facing a bunch of knuckle-dragging sister fuckers then…
If you feel a need to conceal your identity, maybe wear a hood of some kind…
Also, a friend informs me the site’s called…
It’s a genuine pity that you can’t tell the difference between Neal Stephenson and William Gibson…
After her extensive “modelling” career, I’m surprised the clothes didn’t start flying the moment she heard the camera case open…
You’re assuming he lives that long! I suspect there’s a serious discussion as to who’s going to be Jack Ruby on this one…
The turbo engine is a fairly standard rebuild over here, since the parts can all be sourced from an Alpine 610! Ground-up restoration, complete regraining of the bodywork and engine pimping would be around £35k ($45) including the car, so he’s pushing the limit pricewise…
I’ve seen green - it really doesn’t suit them! Strangely, blues and yellows seem to look good. They certainly hide the car’s identity until you pop a door open…
They were offered to AmEx customers at $85k (a $60k markup) but only two were built.
Renewed my site hosting two weeks ago - DS was why GoDaddy didn’t even get asked for a quote…
DS is one of the big traffic sites they host. And there have been numerous complaints and calls to shut them down over “terms of service.” Just after this weekend, the cost of a boycott has definitely exceeded the value of Nazi gold…