But it’s still better than flying United!
But it’s still better than flying United!
You will only take my +5 bastard sword when you pry it from my cold dead hands!
If someone has a football handy, we can find out…
Or Mrs Exposition…
Would you rather he tried actually governing instead?
From the sound of it, he’s well used to exaggerating lengths to try and impress people…
I’m sensing Miller’s more a Lou Reed fan than Emma Lazarus…
Subtle way to sneak it in, so Happy Birthday to you too Yesha!
The unkindest cut of all!
Yes if it’s a civilian-owned car going off base, and even then it varies from country to country*. But military vehicles do not have to be locally registered, even if it’s a Model S that the USAF bought.
Well what else are you going to do $3.6M besides delivering a fat ass and his clubs to a golf course? Help poor sick people?
The name mattered more to Philip. The title mattered more to Louis Mountbatten, who was arranging the marriage and wanted his nephew to be king of somewhere; Greece just wasn’t having any part of it!
So much for Republicans as the party of “States Rights”!
If it was good enough for Colin McRae…
Also problematic - the entire litany of Jacobite rebellions all stemmed from the Scots’ insistence that the right of succession was defined by God and birth, not Parliament. So they refused recognise William or his successors in favour of the direct descendants of James II.
Didn’t catch it until after the edit time expired - William III was married to Mary II; William IV was married to Anne!
That’s ok. If you want proper fun, you buy one of these instead!
No, you need to learn shit, not just read and regurgitate! N70700 - and you can read that number off the tail in the clip - is the Dash 80 prototype (Model 367-80), no matter how big a 707 sign the marketing guys had painted on the tail. There’s also the fact that that film from August 6, 1955 is one of the most…
Do you think the Germans and Spanish have a problem with this?