poo javelin

If they can’t afford the spend to replace custom parts on a limited edition, what else have they not been spending on?

Whoops… Wrong wife! That should be Mary II; Anne was the wife of William IV.

No, he/she doesn’t!

Obviously no-one explained this to King William III (1689-1702) or King Philip (1554-58) either…

Philip is not King Philip because he was required to relinquish any claim on the throne and to relinquish his family name (which is why the children are not called Mountbatten) as a condition of the marriage.

I suggest you get a Ouija board and discuss this with King William III! Or Philip II of Spain, King of England (1554-1558)…

I would have gone with “Trump Supporters Continue To Be The Norm At Violent Rallies”, but po-tay-to, po-tah-to…

Only on “The Root”!

When in doubt, blame Phil Donahue… Or Dr. Phil… Or somebody called Phil; the guy’s an asshole anyway!

Build a bridge out of her!

Given his impressive record of business success, his picks probably were!

He’s lied about his service record, lied about his academic record and has highly questionable ties to a former Communist state. How much more qualified could he be for the “Cabinet of Deplorables”?

No, just desperate for anything remotely good to keep Muller off the news…

Odds on him hijacking Air Force One to take him to Moscow?

Apparently, he was very kind to newts…

More! But still not as bad as the demented Trotskyites who got him into power and are once again trailing their ooze through the party…

Now playing

Something Happens - a TV gig from the SFX in 1989, back when they were going to be the next big thing! It should jump straight to Beach

Now that’s an obscure choice! Usually, it’s the end track from either side of vinyl that gets remembered…

As my father said years ago*, “they’re making it legal; they’re not making it fucking obligatory…”