Can we have his liver then?
Can we have his liver then?
But will it reach the heady heights of 2001, when he got to be a Half Man Half Biscuit lyric?
Or Scottish!
He was awarded the Navy Cross personally by Nimitz, because that was the most Nimitz could do without oversight. There were motions tabled in both House and Senate to award Miller the Congressional Medal of Honour, when the Navy actually got around to mentioning him by name in dispatches, and not as “unnamed Negro” – I…
Well up to the “gay South Asian journalist”, it sounds like the good old days of Norn Iron if you swap “fascist” for “Unionist”!
I am unfamiliar with this “leftover cake” of which the recipe speaks!
So not a very appropriate name then?
Let me get a sharpie and I’ll draw up a map for you!
Any Democrat that doesn’t understand that America is safer now that one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world is
rotting in hellin the White House is completely naive and completely misses what we need to have in a foreign policy.
Better luck wherever you end up, guys!
Well he can’t flush it all away because of those useless toilets!
Look, tolaride is a perfectly cromulent word!
I would have asked how they can’t put a gun in his gob…
There’s also the minor point of Īsā ibn Maryam being the penultimate messenger of Allah.