“Not The Momma” usually had it coming!
“Not The Momma” usually had it coming!
I seriously doubt he could even manage the lyrics to the Alphabet Song!
Step 0: Stop voting the PRI into an eternal state of power!
DB held a poll for suggestions from the public, they published the 25 most popular suggestions, and in the grand tradition of “Boaty McBoatface” the internet said “Anne Frank.”
I thought her exact opposite would be a zombie… Because there’s good odds it does have a brain!
Beaten to the job!
What? “Stupid person says something stupid” counts as news now?
For everyone wondering if a flash flood notice was a good enough reason to cancel…
Why is there never the right Michael J Fox clip on YouTube when you need it?
Ask it to describe in single words only the good things that come to mind about its mother?
None of this matters unless he’s doing it while in an orange jumpsuit…
Let me guess… You couldn’t find a Plymouth Fury for today?
I’ve said it before…
There’s one fitted as standard. This helpful video illustrates how to activate it…
More crack than a sumo training camp!
No low-balling; he knows what he’s got!
Not sure how this compares to getting Babb-ed…
Watch out for those spirits…
Yousa might’n be sayin dat…
Everybody’s talkin’ about the bird…