
Just to put this in context - the USAF’s charge-out rate for a government body who needs to borrow a C-130J to move some stuff is $6,604 per hour.

Yet again, that proud tradition of showing the genetic superiority of white people by dredging up the sludge from the bottom of the gene pool and marching it through the streets…

Well, these suckers were simple and plain. Motherfuck ‘em, and John Wayne…

“But I think that the most likely problem of all
May have been that Trump’s brain was three sizes too small…”

She has that definite look of “I’d have worn the bikini instead if they’d told me Jabba was going to be here…”

Since he’s bringing up the Rothschilds’, I assume the Clintons have taken the Gettys’ place in the Pentavirate…

If the writers really wanted to do a shout out to the shittier parts of Hamill’s career, they should have made sure the Joker got injured in the crash and had to be sent to “Britannia Hospital”!

Now playing

Well if you’re already in the mood, then…

I await your answer. You have aboot a day to decide.

Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the pumpkin as it fell was “Oh no, not again.” Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the pumpkin had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now.

Cue 3am tweet from the Shite House bathroom…

Could be worse; you could have gone as Scaramooch and been forced to leave after 5 minutes!

Please, Jonathon. I just ate a whole plate of dingdamagoo…

Cue “See! He thinks we’re all animals!” in 3… 2… 1…

This needs to be COTD, because I really want to see if $kay can find a Seuss-themed ”car&bikini” shot!

To be fair, they need a place to practice and hone those skills before moving up to the majors!

At least they’d find plenty of like-minded folk in either of your choices…