
“Let’s film the staff car park” is hardly a valid sample…

It’s a terrorist gas attack!

It’s a good job his name is Tracy, because he’ll need International Rescue to achieve that!

I’ve got a fiver that says “trailer hooked up to Willys and Grand Wagoneer in tow” before you clear Indiana!

I think we need to find your local branch of Jeeps Anonymous to stage an intervention!

I’d have said he looked more like Kellyanne!

I’m just waiting for Secretary of State Fish!

Ah – if you look too enthusiastic, then it’ll be judged consensual! And that’s a freebie for Bill…

A giant wall, designed to keep the citizens inside safe from the evils that lurk beyond in the wilderness? Where have I heard that before?

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It isn’t a noise violation penalty. I’ll let Officer Dan explain…

Well… Not until after they gave him the ticket!


In the words of Mr Brewer, “It just needs to be a bit sweeter. I think I’ll go back and bid him…”

It’s all part of a secret Jalopnik #MAGA plot…

Now playing

Because no-one ever had “the talk” with you?

Can we test your theory out? I can supply my own 2x4…

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Just be happy if it’s only going for the bike…

After Scaramooch’s revelations, I thought that was Bannon!