
Anything he can do to scupper “Lyin’ Ted’s” re-election campaign…

And Majestic-12 obtained the “magic bullet” for him to use from some Greys who definitely weren’t at Area 51…

Damn it! I was guessing Col. Mustard in the library with the candlestick…

As long as he’s not sending the same guys to find them who went to Hawaii in search of Obama’s birth cert!

Now playing

There’s only one thing the Tarquanians missed that no Irishman would…

Actually, their missionary antecedents emigrated from the leafy luxury of Ballsbridge…

If you want something done right…

Donald Trump Is Delusional <— insert “reason of the day hour” here —>

For this level of ignorance about the subject you’re commenting on, I’d suggest a new burner to escape the humiliation and shame…

Let us never talk of it again…

No, we expect a writer with the intelligence to learn how to spell “Jinkies!”

Now playing

On the other hand, some things never get old…

So you’re fine with them dressing up to play “Iran-Contra”?

Nazi punk, fucked off…

I presume the other half is people asking what gear you can hook them up with!

Now playing

Given that this also describes 5-8 years of the Reagan presidency, what’s the problem?

Come on - as fucked-up excuses go, that’s a pretty imaginative one!

John Miller and John Bannon are making sworn statement to support his version of the story!