I’m not just saying this because I’ve friends from Philly, but…
I’m not just saying this because I’ve friends from Philly, but…
The First Amendment doesn’t even enter into it. It is illegal for him, as a federal official, to pressurise a private company over the employment of particular individuals.
“Whatsoever you have done unto the least of my brothers, you have done unto me…”
As distinct from a President who counts “walking in and ogling half-dressed 14 year old girls” as one of his business perks?
Let’s be honest… The wonder is that it’s taken them that long!
There’s probably a “catch-all” about bringing the company into disrepute.
A 3am tweet appointing Weinstein as head of the National Endowment for the Arts?
More crackers than Nabisco…
That is the best news of the day!
You mean apart from himself?
Very Fine Young Cannibals, even!
Given your name, we must defer to your inside knowledge!
That’s still one Jar Jar too many…
They could sit the test right after handing in their tax returns!
Every time I see something like this, I wonder why race seat manufacturers don’t make brown their default colour…
Well with Dolt45 trying to bend the NFL to his demented vision, would you risk playing “duck, duck, goose”?
I was wondering how this worthless sac of shit never got stomped in a dressing room…