Trump buzzes in after three words of the first starter, and there then follows 28 minutes of Paxman saying “answer the question, Mr. Trump”!
Overlooking the more obvious Triumph V8?
Even MG never managed to get one to concours condition! “Running condition” was also frequently beyond them…
Interesting, since losing a million of the Teamsters money would usually get you a job holding up a new office building in Jersey from inside the foundations!
“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past,” repeated Winston obediently.
Executive Producer on all three, so he ponied up some cash!
Well there was only one reason to keep it open, and he got fucking pardoned…
“Unless they got any big, giant robot camels I think we’re ok.”
He’s not called “Wee Gordon” for nothing!
It will spend 95% of its life driving from Sloane Square to Harrods or Fortnums without having to pay London’s congestion charge! The range is not a problem…
No, it’s because it’s been five years since the last film Weinstein produced that could be classed as a hit - Django Unchained. He’s not worth keeping onside anymore. By comparison, this is what the 2004 story could have seen the NYT banned from covering;
Surely they should be making a big deal about Vespucci, since otherwise they’d be Colombians?
Well you only saw it in Cardiff for three hours!
No - hate the dirty cheating hand-balling French bastard!
They can be frightened away by… more cowbell!
This isn’t Jezebel - you can say “fat chick”!