I wonder who could stop them?
I wonder who could stop them?
Some people who protested against a flag… And taxes!
Audition tape for Shite House Press Secretary?
Don’t forget the last lap when they all stand for the true Confederate flag!
Or tell him to join the Browns…
That’s OK. They’ve never been good at it in England either. All the good stuff comes from this fluffy green haven in between!
North Minehead’s Conservative, isn’t it?
This can be said about pretty much any aspect of British public life!
The obvious repost is to release other “matters of public record”, such as the addresses of the murderers officers as listed on their court documents.
She wouldn’t risk it, in case they thought they were supposed to stick her in a kennel and find her a new home.
Is his “sixth finger” hidden behind the scabbard in that top photo?
It’s genetic…
You forget - FOX has been destroying brains for over 2 decades, which is how we ended up in this mess to begin with!
It probably oozed its way down Jamaica. Queens was infested decades ago…
To hell with your name, you’re getting stars even if it kills me!
You forget, they save the Confederate flag for the last lap…
Actually, they save that for the last lap…
“I don’t care so long as I can have a go at the Greeks!”
“Should we all be racist now? What’s the Church’s position? I’m so busy down on the farm I won’t have much time for the auld racism.”