If I remember rightly, most of it’s on Craggy Island…
As soon as the mic was off, he wanted to know What’s Your Name…
This could only be out-bizarred if it was Rebecca from Williamstown…
You want to know about hurt, Sharon?
I’m gonna be so pissed off now if Rhythm of the Night doesn’t end up in the soundtrack!
Stunt double on a Saved By The Bell reunion?
Bannon! Thanks to Scaramooch, we know he’s flexible enough to sniff them while he wears them…
Your version works too!
A synthesis of British engineering and Italian build quality… Or Italian engineering and British build quality… What could possibly go wrong!
Don’t ever tempt fate like that!
They’ve nothing to worry about. We all saw how quickly Dolt45 flew in to help all those poor white voters folk left homeless and hungry in Texas and Florida.
Don’t worry. “Trump Covfefe” has already filed for bankruptcy!
Liam Neeson didn’t have a large gator population to help with the clean-up…
Actually it’s ignorant racist cunt hiding behind “stand your ground” and “castle” laws.
And what about visitors from Nambia?
He did warn them they’d get tired of all the winning! He was also right about people begging him to stop…