
This is my first question as well. There is no reason to make the reporter male, fuck this movie.

YES. This is the real story. They can explain away the Ford casting, but how do they explain changing a female major player in the saga into a male??

Oh my GOD. I can’t with this.

Thata BULLSHIT!!! Robyn Dolittle is a bawse.

The real casting news about this movie is why they changed the gender of the reporter who investigated Ford

Lisa responds, “Something that started decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect. What can you do?”


mommy blogger who works from home

It’s because they’re not pro-life, they’re pro-patriarchy. A Venn diagram of “pro-life” people and anti-gun control, anti-universal healthcare, pro-death penalty, blue-lives-matter people would be a single fuckin’ circle.

My best friend is going to be heart broken if this ever becomes reality! She’s been dreaming of a destination abortion since she was a teen!

She also studied at the Royal Tampa Academy of Dramatic Tricks 

Jen Barkley is my hero.

Kathryn Hahn in Parks and Recreation is my sun and moon and stars.

Even pets vs. woke kids? For me, that was HARD.

I think it’s more likely that The Good Place is a prequel to Parks & Rec. Eleanor is reborn as Leslie, Chidi is reborn as Ben, Tahani is reborn as Ann, Janet is reborn as Lucy, and Jason is reborn as Tom. Michael could possibly be Ron, which explains his many references to hell. Different universes, same multiverse.

Leslie knows a demon when she sees one.

Jean Ralpio as well.

Cincinnati is the medium place, damn it! DON’T YOU TAKE THAT FROM US.

I feel like there’s no way that Mona-Lisa Saperstein wasn’t expressly created to torture the people of Pawnee.

Maybe they’re just easter eggs.