
It’s horrifying and fascinating how quickly and easily the Trump and his enablers have been able to mold their idiot supporters into accepting anything he does; no matter how bad. I really want to hear from Trumpanzees; what could Trump do that you would turn on him? Kill and eat a baby? Rape a puppy? What?

So how is Trump going going to spin this so it’s Obama’s or even Hilary’s fault?

Drawing him as a cat is an insult to cats.

I have no idea who Janelle Monáe is

I would like a shipment of brain bleach to go along with my eye ammonia.

I think I speak for all of us when I say

You can’t go down the Evangelical Sexual Hypocrisy Rabbit Hole without losing your mind. I am sure that they would love to launch another campaign like this; I just feel that the reception would be very different.

I work in immigration. Some days I have to almost physically remind myself that there are areas that are outside of my control, and that I can’t do good work by ignoring what I can do to obsess over what I can’t.

If Louise is a psycho, I don’t wanna be sane.

I mean, this seems like common goddamn sense. What did she think was gonna happen? Is everyone a fucking idiot now? Am I an idiot? Are we all idiots? Is this life?

HELL YEAH THAT’S MY NEW JOB NOW that’s what I do all day please send help

He seems pretty wise for a dude of 21. I was not wise at that age. Good on him. He can be as mad and as frustrated as he wants. He took a knife for two kids who didn’t deserve the violence visited on them and has a few words to add to the subject.

He’s the one person alive in this with the moral authority to judge, so I think I’ll listen to that guy. The emotional trauma they went through defies simple accounting, and they’re going to need support of the medical, legal, and educational varieties at least. Even in a perfect world where no one bothered them

I humbly offer the candidate Britney J. Spears, born Dec. 2,1981 in McComb, Mississippi, who clearly saw the 2008 economic crisis with her third eye, leading to her mental break in 2007. She is now a curator of perfect mom memes and inspirational phrases. Britney forever.

FYI FOLKS this headline was brought to you by sex joke wizard Anna Merlan

Therapy costs money.

This was my concern too. Even though they weren’t physically harmed, those girls were most definitely traumatized and are going to need treatment and support as well. I’ve already seen gross, racist MRA types blaming them, and I’m sure they’ve read some truly terrible comments/messages themselves.

Those girls walke away physically fine. But they were horribly traumatized and that too will take time and care to fix.

The underlying sentiment of what he’s saying is completely right on—and he says it arguably in stronger terms than those quoted here. However, as right as he generally is, I don’t think he’s right that it’s obscene that the bulk of the money went to the families of those murdered or nearly murdered (i.e., the people

An actual line from goop: “If you’re plagued by issues like parasites or heavy metals, you might need a bit more than a standard clean eating protocol. Below, some advice on working through more complex problems.”