
I’m excited to evaluate all of the candidates, pick my favorite and work to get them nominated. And if my candidate fails I look forward to FALLING THE FUCK IN LINE.

She’s in the industry because she is a performing artist. Performing brings her joy. I don’t think it’s realistic to expect her to forgo something that fulfills her so she can take a desk job somewhere. The life of a performer must be thrilling for a young person: she expresses herself creatively, her opinions are

Apropos of nothing... GOP naming schemes are so thirsty and tryhard it’s almost adorable. Like, the “House Freedom Caucus” might as well be called “House 12 Inch Penis Caucus”.

Are you slightly “past your prime,’ super rich, and unemployed because your husband, who had lost interest in you some time around your third pregnancy - the one with Chase, or maybe Jack? - gives you enough money in your allowance to live far more comfortably than most two-income American families do? Are you bored

A common thief steals towels at Walmart. An uncommon thief grifts her way through five star hotels with no apparent exit plan. It’s the nihilism of her actions that fascinates everyone. What if everything good...just ends? No climax, no resolution. What if none of it matters?

To be fair, officers carrying guns is routine in most of Europe, Canada and Australia. And somehow there aren’t nearly as many incidents of police shooting innocent civilians as we see in the U.S.

Emma before, hair majestically blowing in the breeze, proud stance, perfectly aware of just how gorgeous she is.

I’m late to the party...

I’m really excited to see Helena Bonham Carter as Margaret in her gin swilling, chain smoking, deeply cynical and bitter old age. She and the Earl of Snowden hated each other and he was quite cruel to her. The stories about their fights and affairs were legendary. I cannot wait.

I totally thought you had wrapped your cat’s upper body in packing tape until I realized she had just gotten an... interesting... hair cut.

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions,

I was astonished to see that “pedal cycle” was the actual term used in the police report.

Chelsea is a master of the unfailingly polite “fuck you.” She’s kind of my hero.

I’m not sure whether to laugh or scream at Roseanne’s apology for what she said about Valerie Jarrett. Saying Valerie is the child of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes was not a fucking joke about her looks. It was an intentional invocation of the racist idea that black and brown folks are more ape than

Humane Society International helped Gus and Robin bring the Sochi Dogs home from Russia. HSI is working to help dog farmers in Korea retool their farms if they decide to give up their dogs. They reached out to Gus and asked him to tour the dog farm where he and Matt fell for Beemo. With the help of HSI that particular

Gus and his then-boyfriend Robin brought a mom dog and her three puppies home from Sochi. One pup died in quarantine, Gus’ mom has the mom dog, and Robin kept the pups when he and Gus broke up. The split was amicable and Gus still has contact with the dogs. They have their own Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thesoc

I fell into an IG hole last week on Jeff’s page and his flower arrangements are stunning.

New Show!

Oh, The Passage. I mean its got the Mark Paul Gosselaar of it all and damn did he grow up good. But I found out that he grew up good from Pitch and there was that beard and Kylie Bunbury and then Fox canceled it so also: FUCK FOX!

Same. I came out of the womb like a furry tumbleweed and it’s just gotten worse with age.