Girl Guides/Scouts, always a few steps ahead of the boy equivalency.
Girl Guides/Scouts, always a few steps ahead of the boy equivalency.
New York City is also projecting that there will be 300,000 fewer tourists. Because people are hearing stories of CBP treating people like shit and deciding that it’s just not worth the risks. And the idea of forcing people to hand over passwords is terrifying for the business crowd, so business travel should be down…
Whatever happened to those thingamajigs? A collection of pages with words on them? What are they called? Oh yeah. Books!!!
*slams head on desk until i die*
Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great,
We can all agree that this is fucking unacceptable
My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”
I’m just here to high five this article. And you!
Spontaneous, but if you wanted to print up a t-shirt or sticker, have at it.
Look, liberals,
Good people will be willing to put their lives on the line for this. Bad people will be willing to take it from them, with glee, under the color of law.
This is the only thing I want to talk about today. The Truck Fucking urge is starting to percolate into all facets of society. Have you ever had sex in a truck? Let me tell you, it’s one of the least sexy vehicle options. We all know it only ranks slightly higher than a mini-van.
Rudy Giuliani divulged that “when [Trump] first announced it, he said, ‘Muslim ban.’ He called me up. He said, ‘Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.’”
So much fucking smoke. Eye on the ball. The question is fucking simple: when you were presented with the choice between Clinton or Trump what did you do? Did you whine like a little bitch and stay home crying with your Bernie bro friends on /r/sandersforpresident? Did you boldly make a statement and protest vote for…
I’m sure the guy who got slaughtered by Hillary would have totally beat Trump! You know, the socialist Jew. That would have played super well.
Trump is just as bad as Hillary guys! The DNC cheated Bernie so let’s protest vote! Let’s stay home! They both suck equally!
I’m placing blame on people who went into the election knowing who Donald Trump was and what was at risk but were butthurt over Hillary getting the nod or some other bullshit and cast a “protest vote” or didn’t vote at all, which helped get us to where we are today.m