
We don’t need to update theism, but abolish it.

I think this is because Muhammad married 9 year old Aisha, which a thousand years ago was typical. This is the problem with religions, they create these laws which maybe made sense at the time ( ie don’t eat pork which was sensible at the time because pigs had various parasites and caused illness),

Here’s a novel idea! How about we continue to condemn the practice & educate people on why this is fucked up, instead of giving them a loophole to fuck little girls? Crazy talk I know.

Well, regulations are automatically bad, so if we take away two for every one made, we take away lots of bad...stuff, which means things will get bigly better. Really a lot bigly. Because regulations are all bad.

I heard about the fraud settlement, but those other two? News to me! Seriously, hoe are these things flying under the radar?!

Like George Carlin said, they want a small government so it’ll fit inside a woman’s uterus.

For people opposed to the “nanny state” they sure are keen on government interference in people’s lives.

We call that Freedom Foam.

I’m also tired of this being placed on some legitimate eocnomic anxiety. Have you seen the unemployment rates when divided by race? If it was really about economics, black voters would have overwhelmingly voted for Trump. But, more than that, Trumps “economic” plan is basically a rehash of everything that got us into

HELL YES. If I read more think piece about the plight of the middle class white man, I will kill someone. Those lazy ass motherfuckers only had their precious manufacturing jobs because they excluded minorities and women in the forties, fifties, and sixties.

Let’s all pledge to become better. spend a little more time caring, hungry for the truth. Only us the people can make this better

Between “Dr.” Phil and (actual, though quacky) Dr. Oz, Oprah’s judgment about people does seem rather shitty.

I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.

Judge Brown:

yes, this is why its so heartbreaking. shes so scared.

Totally understand why a 14 year old would be so scared of dying that she would wish for this.

Have you tried explaining how you’d bring their jobs back? That’s apparently all these people want.
That and open, honest discussion.
Right? Right???
*Cries blood*

“Sent from somewhere over the rainbow”

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.