
He is draining the swamp...so he can dredge the bottom in his search for advisors and cabinet members.

I never thought I would be in favor of global warming, but maybe we don’t deserve to inhabit this planet anymore. Humans are the worst.

“I’m also taking this action for the benefit of all parents and families, who may be facing the same violation of their rights—”

Some people simply shouldn’t have children. If 99% of people either resisted societal pressure to have kids or waited until they were emotionally stable and financially prepared before having them, we’d crush poverty within 20 years.

“It is not enough for you to be out of my house. I insist you also be miserable.”


“I want to destroy you for your own good. Why can’t you see that, you ungrateful little shit that I effectively disowned.”

By their own prudish conservative rules, Michelle wins because we ain’t never seen her titties.

Vapid and Stockholmed.

Squinty and Stepford-ish work better.


I’m flipping between “This is what they wanted? Well let’s let them have it then. Let them burn it down with the flames of greedy stupidity.” and “We have to fight to save what we can.” minute by minute. And I’m just living the life of an average citizen. She has to actually deal with these shitgibbons. On the reg.

My teen said she was going to a slumber party Saturday night and instead protested outside of Trump’s hotel in DC. #proudmom

I need this GIF.

Just a crazy out-of-the-ballpark idea, but maybe she’s resigning because she can’t bring herself to serve under a vile, sexual assaulting, orange misogynist? She took one look at Trump and...

Teens know. They can smell authoritarianism and they’re naturally averse to it.

I’m genuinely unsure about what to do about that. There’s a whole large segment of the population that is immune to facts, and so what else can we do but laugh? Seriously, I’m at a loss. Because we clearly need shows like this but the ones who really need to watch it don’t and never will, and now we have to live with

Eh, if it’s the end we won’t care, cause we’ll all be dead? So we have that going for us.

That’s the opening of a great book right there.
