Aspiring Internet Commenter

i've heard reports that all foreign policy goes through Jared Kushner before it gets to trump. He may be a legacy kid, but he has a lot to lose in a Nuclear Holocaust. I spent most of my Air Force career in Missile Warning and Missile Defense and there have been some close calls as recently as 2010. I learned its

Best 4 minute segment of TV ever for me is about halfway through the 4th episode of Luck during the horserace. I recommend it to anyone.

Mad Men and Breaking Bad won a ton of awards. Game of Thrones also get Period awards (costume, production design, hair, makeup etc) and Technical awards (special FX, sound editing, etc) which is kind of a rare combo. If you only count Major awards(directing, acting) its not that special. I also think Lena Headey

I suspect Wynona Ryder still has amazing tits, if maybe not Best Tits. No need to feel dirty.

I enjoyed the six episodes, but yeah he should hire some better writers than himself.

Many of the trolls are apparently paid Russians and their bots if it makes you feel any better. I also suspect the obvious bots are a smokescreen so that folks are more easily fooled by the more advanced sexist/racist bots.

He wrote my favorite book. And more relevant today than yesterday.

His heart is in the right place. This is no time to attack each other.

Oh man that hits hard. One of my all time favs as well.

I feel like this may need more than one movie. Fortunately, I doubt a single soul in Hollywood disagrees.

I don't comment much, but I'm very happy to see you are still here.

You should know better than to read Youtube comments. It's been like that for years.

Northern Exposure became a surprise hit and inspired a bunch of those in the early 90s. Its one of my favorite TV genres.

That palladium system is objectively terrible. I still spent a small fortune buying all their books as a kid. I wonder if Car Wars holds up. I played a ton of that back in the day

You have my attention. I love sci fi and I need some of that about now.

Drop: This is Us.
Replace with Conviction

It scratches that Lost itch that I've missed. Also the show is as beautiful as anything since Kurosawa.

Brave of her to come back. Always good to see someone be brave.

It took me two hours to get that and I've read all the books. Gods I'm dumb.