Aspiring Internet Commenter

On some level these are my people because I suppose we both hate nazis, but I really hope to never meet any of them.

I'm pretty sure her countersuit was not thrown out. She can still get the dollar, as well as his culpability in a civil court for assault.

This is my roomates son, Sam Jr. no relation.

Sam has two separate celibacy vows as a sworn brother of the night's watch and as an apprentice Maester and yet nobody asks any questions about his wife who lives with him?

You shame me. I noticed Darkness Falls missing which is one of my favorites. Its not my list but its a decent beginning.

Yes. here is a condensed list of solid episodes if the entire series is intimidating

I suspect as much. I would also love for Michelle MacLaren to direct some episodes or produce , but I suspect she is too big for that now as well.

I'm slightly optimistic as I think Chris Carter has a track record of identifying good writing talent even if his own talents could generously be described as uneven.

I'm excited that fewer episodes will be written by Chris Carter. Cheers to Gillian for forcing a change. Has anyone else listened to the Audible radio plays. I'll admit Mr. Carter's writing has not improved in the last year. I'll also admit i bought the second set of plays in advance so I'm clearly a sucker.

The video would be a lot better if it was Shakira dancing the entire time like the videos for She Wolf and Rabiosa. Make that happen someone.

Lost made the best use of flashbacks of any show ever. I'm tired of folks trying to rewrite history as if Lost wasn't a great show.

He did a great job at the end of Justified. I think the Western Genre suits him..

How does this fit in with ancient astronaut theory?

I suspect dehumanization based on skin color was integral for anyone to live near such an institution without being terrorized by it. How could you let such a thing exist if it could ever possibly effect you?

The Union was magnanimous in victory. It has surely doomed us.

There is still plenty of slavery in the world today, even if most of it no longer revolves around cotton plantations. It will always be convenient to own people and pay them nothing.

HBO and the showrunners have said It is explicitly an eighth season and not a split seventh.

Kremlin operations on both sides of her, although that is only one of many reasons.

Jonathan Demme?

Too soon.