Aspiring Internet Commenter

Identity politics seem like a better bet if your identity is the majority. I voted enthusiastically for Hilary because I expected her to hold back the forces of darkness for four more years. I remain unaware of any concrete solutions to economic problems she proposed that had any chance of being passed. Claiming

I suspect the looming global apocalypse will lead to a much smarter if rarer human being. Critical thinking skills will be a necessity of survival in our future hellscape.

I'm jealous that these sort of ruthless falsehoods work, and that decent people can never make use of them.

I never really thought before about efficiency and simplicity being a net negative. I've always (perhaps incorrectly) assumed those were good things. It is an interesting idea. Is there any reading on that?

I agree with all that. I just think it is important for people to understand the continued importance of their own actions even after the triumph of evil.

That is a disheartening perspective that I do not share.

It is important to remember true heroes even if they are few. Yad Vashem has a whole section dedicated to this task.

I feel like I should start looking for work at NBC.

Am I kicked out due to a negative score?

I'm all of the above but my business is reliant on the public sector. I'm terrible at job interviews so I'm shaking in my boots. On the other hand I'm not likely to lose my rights as a human being like so many others here so I suppose i've got it pretty good.

I went to bed around two last night. I had a nightmare that the planet was heating up and the human race was dying out because no one liked each other enough to have babies anymore. I woke up at five into a different waking nightmare.

There was someone else in the theater for Jupiter Rising? For the entire movie? I could have sworn I was by myself.

Just yesterday i found out about a mod called A Tale of Two Wastelands that lets you play all of Fallout 3 and New Vegas with the same character. You may want to check it out.

His performance in Creed was more ambitious than anything De Niro has done in decades.

I'm not going to spoil the movie for you any further.

The protagonist drives a Harley Davidson trailing a 20 foot American flag. I don't have the imagination for the scale of this film.

Jesus returns from the dead to help Gold Star Medal of Honor family win the war on Christmas.

I feel cheated that there was no review for Last Ounce of Courage. The genre never again reached those rare heights.

Gold coins and prepper supplies.

The larger Cuckoo bird stealing Ted Cruz's nest was my favorite part of the past year.