Aspiring Internet Commenter

On this, I stand with the Juggalos.

Me too.

Boondock Saints…

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.

My dad and older brother went to Temple of Doom opening night. I was considered too young and went to Rhinestone with my mom. I still feel cheated 30 years later.

So long losers, I'm off to YouTube.

That first thing seems like a bit of a reach. How about some alternatives.

So your saying this whole Mystery Method works. How much for one of these valuable seminars?

There are a lot of good arguments for that. Myself I try hard not to hurt other people's feelings. Its an unfortunate side effect of free speech that there will be a lot of hurtful stuff out there. I value more the freedom to have access to all thoughts and ideas, even the hateful ones.

My freedom ends where yours begins. You are entitled to your own peace. Violence or its incitement have never been protected speech.

Of course it does. Cultivating a community that tolerates or encourages censorship is illiberal. Its dangerous to pick on unpopular minorities (Westboro Baptist, Racists, Sexists) in order to normalize compliance to authority.

Free speech is important to stick up for especially when you don't agree with it.

I don't know whats worse. NBC's Olympics or the threat that ESPN could take them over?

Gnome subraces and their PC mafia. Where will it end?

I'm ashamed to say (pre-internet) 14 year old me thought the Necronomicon was real. My freshman English teacher claimed to have a copy, but that I was too young to read it.

He lives in my town and is a known jerk.

He is a douche. He lives in my town and tried to close down a nature trail because he didn't want any peasants within a mile of his house. He failed.

Dozens of us thought he was great on John From Cincinatti.

Lots of Mexicans are as white as Ben Affleck. Millions of them.
